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Excel Online Cost

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  1. Excel Online Custom Conditional Formatting
  2. Excel Online Cost Spreadsheet
  3. Excel Online Cost Calculator

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A cost benefit analysis weighs the pros and cons, or benefits and costs, of a project or decision in order to determine its feasibility or to compare alternatives. This can be especially helpful for weighing decisions that have calculable financial risks and rewards, or when you need a quick way to evaluate a new initiative. In addition to comparing multiple projects or deciding whether a project is a sound investment, a cost benefit analysis can provide valuable information when it comes time to actually implement a project. Understanding a project's costs and benefits can help determine appropriate objectives, accurately estimate the needed resources (and associated costs), and inform your methods for measuring project success.

Cost benefit analysis has enjoyed a long history. First created in the 1840s by French economist and engineer Jules Dupuit, it was widely used to measure the value of different projects (especially government projects related to public policy and infrastructure). Today, a cost benefit analysis is suitable for any business setting, but the method is not without flaws. The more tangible the costs and benefits, the more likely it will be to get an accurate analysis. It may be easier to assign monetary values to costs than benefits since revenues can be hard to predict, and intangible benefits - such as increased customer satisfaction or an enhanced business reputation - may have subjective values. An analysis could also be influenced by project supporters who may be looking for data that will back up taking on a project.

While using a cost benefit analysis can be a useful tool in determining the feasibility of a project, creating one can be a bit overwhelming. To get you started, we're providing a collection of cost benefit analysis templates in the Microsoft Word and Excel formats that you can download for free. We've also included customizable cost benefit analysis templates in Smartsheet, a real-time work execution platform that empowers you to better plan, track, and report on project details.

Conducting a Cost Benefit Analysis

Depending on the length and type of project, a cost benefit analysis may also need to account for costs and revenues that occur over periods of time and take into consideration how monetary values change over time. This can be done by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV), which measures a project's profitability by comparing the present outgoing cash flows to the present value of future cash inflows. In other words, once the monetary values for all costs and benefits for a project have been determined, a discount rate can be applied in order to convert future cash flow estimates to today's value. Calculating NPV as part of a cost benefit analysis can help account for inflation and lost return on investment (the amount of money spent on a project that could have been invested elsewhere).

There are three primary steps involved in performing a cost benefit analysis: identifying costs, identifying benefits, and comparing both. Here's a closer look at each stage of the process.

  1. Identifying Costs - Begin by brainstorming all potential costs, which may include equipment, payroll, training, travel costs, licenses, and other monetary expenses. You should also consider non-monetary costs such as those related to productivity or risks and uncertainties that could affect project outcomes or your business. Ultimately, all costs need to be assigned a monetary value in order to complete the cost benefit analysis. Your project may require one-time costs related to investment or operational expenses as well as recurring costs over the project lifecycle and beyond. All monetary values for costs occurring over time should be calculated in present value terms in order to create estimates that are as accurate as possible. You may also want to consider what the costs may be if you choose not to undertake the project or if the project fails.
  2. Identifying Benefits - As stated earlier, it can be hard to determine accurate revenue projections, and certain intangible benefits may not have clear monetary values, so this step can be more challenging than identifying and monetizing costs. Benefits can range from direct profits and increased production to enhanced employee satisfaction or reduced environmental impact. As with costs, the values assigned to benefits also need to be shown in present value terms for a more accurate analysis.
  3. Comparing Costs and Benefits - Once you have listed all the costs and benefits, you can compare the totals to see if the costs outweigh the benefits or vice versa. If the two totals are equal or very close, you may need to check your calculations, make sure no costs or benefits have been overlooked, and conduct a revised analysis. As you compare costs and benefits, consider how long it will take for the benefits to repay the costs. In addition to considering the difference between total cash flows, this timeframe may also inform your decision of whether a project is a sound investment, or not worth the time and resources.

Once you have completed your analysis, you can use the information to make a recommendation to either move forward with a project or choose an alternative, and create a plan of action that will support business objectives.

In the next section you'll find cost benefit analysis templates in Microsoft Excel and Word formats that can be downloaded for free. These templates provide a starting point for developing your analysis and can be edited as needed. Smartsheet also offers a cost benefit analysis template with enhanced collaboration features and additional benefits, or you can create your own template to fit your needs. Find out more about Smartsheet options below.

Simple Cost Benefit Analysis Template for Excel

This cost benefit analysis template provides a simple spreadsheet for listing and calculating recurring and nonrecurring costs, plus revenues and other benefits. The template will calculate totals per year and over the course of five years. For a quick comparison, the second sheet in the template shows total amounts for each type of cost and benefit listed in the first sheet. Adobe premiere video editing.

Download Simple Cost Benefit Analysis Template

Excel | Smartsheet

IT Project Cost Benefit Analysis Template for Excel

This project cost benefit analysis template was designed with IT in mind, and includes sheets for creating comprehensive lists of costs and benefits over several years, analyzing projected cash flows, and comparing alternatives. Create a detailed cost benefit analysis that takes the entire project lifecycle into consideration to guide your decision and project-planning process. You can modify the template to suit the needs of your particular analysis.

Download IT Project Cost Benefit Analysis Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Cost Benefit Analysis Dashboard Template for Excel

Get an easy-to-read dashboard view of your cost benefit analysis with this visual report. Data is represented in a spreadsheet format as well as graphically, which is especially useful if you're using the cost benefit analysis as part of a presentation. You can use this template to list costs and benefits over time and help determine the net present value (NPV) of a project.


Cost Benefit Analysis Outline Template for Word

If you need a comprehensive cost benefit analysis report in Word format, this template provides a detailed outline with tables for listing figures. You can edit the outline to include information that is pertinent to your analysis, such as an introduction and description of the project or alternatives being considered, assumptions and constraints, particular costs and benefits that need to be highlighted, and recommendations based on the results of the analysis

Download Cost Benefit Analysis Outline Template

Basic Cost Benefit Analysis Chart for Word

This chart can be used to rank costs and benefits of potential actions. List actions or decisions you are considering in the first column, and then describe the costs and benefits associated with each. Assign a rank to each option based on the total costs and benefits listed, and then compare those ranks to see to what degree the benefits outweigh the costs. This is a simple way of comparing and prioritizing options.

Take Action on Your Cost Benefit Analysis with Effective Project Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change.

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there's no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.


Cost Benefit Analysis Outline Template for Word

If you need a comprehensive cost benefit analysis report in Word format, this template provides a detailed outline with tables for listing figures. You can edit the outline to include information that is pertinent to your analysis, such as an introduction and description of the project or alternatives being considered, assumptions and constraints, particular costs and benefits that need to be highlighted, and recommendations based on the results of the analysis

Download Cost Benefit Analysis Outline Template

Basic Cost Benefit Analysis Chart for Word

This chart can be used to rank costs and benefits of potential actions. List actions or decisions you are considering in the first column, and then describe the costs and benefits associated with each. Assign a rank to each option based on the total costs and benefits listed, and then compare those ranks to see to what degree the benefits outweigh the costs. This is a simple way of comparing and prioritizing options.

Take Action on Your Cost Benefit Analysis with Effective Project Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change.

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there's no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

In this tutorial, I will show several ways of using the Excel formula to add percentage markup to the cost price of a product. Adding markup % to the cost price will give you the selling price of the product.

Table of Contents

Excel Online Custom Conditional Formatting

  • Excel Formula to Add Percentage Markup to a List of Products

What is Markup?

Markup is actually the difference between the Selling Price and Wholesale or Making Cost of a product.

Again, we also calculate the Profit Margin in the same way. I mean Gross Profit Margin is also the difference between the Selling Price and Wholesale or Making Cost of the product.

Online graphic editor. But we calculate Markup % and Profit Margin % in different ways.

Here is the overall picture of these two concepts.

You see that to get the Markup %, we divide the Profit Margin (= Selling Price – Unit Cost) by the Cost Price. And to calculate the Profit Margin %, we divide the Profit Margin (= Selling Price – Unit Cost) by the Selling Price.

Adding Percentage Markup to the Cost Price (Example)

For example, your wholesale price (Cost Price) of a product is $25. Now you want to add a 40% Markup to the wholesale price of the product. What will be your selling price?

Your Selling Price will be:

= Wholesale Price x (1+Markup %) Jugar starcraft 1 online.

= $25 x (1 + 40%)

= $25 x 1.40

= $35

Now, what is your Profit Margin and Profit Margin %?

Profit Margin = Selling Price – Unit Cost = $35 – $25 = $10

Profit Margin % = Profit Margin / Selling Price = $10 / $35 =0.2857 = 0.2857 x 100% = 28.57%

Download Excel Calculator

Please download at first the Excel calculator that I have used to write this article.

Excel Formula to Add Percentage Markup to a List of Products

Excel Online Cost Spreadsheet

Suppose, you have a list of products and you want to add different Markup % to those products. On one occasion, you can offer your customers one Markup % (say 30%) and on another occasion, you may offer a different Markup % (say 40%). All these pricing can be done in one Excel sheet.

You are seeing an Excel worksheet in the following image. A list of gardening related tools. Every product has a Wholesale Cost. We have calculated the Selling Prices of these products for different Markup Percentages (30%, 40%, 50%, 60%).

We have also calculated the Profit Margin for those Selling Prices.

Excel formulas used to get the results

We have made just two Excel formulas to get the results.

1) In cell D6, I have used this Excel formula: =$C6*(1+D$5).

You see that this formula has mixed cell references. Column C and Row 5 is made absolute references.

We know when we go down or up, row references change. When we go left or right, column references change.

For the above formula, when we will go right, $C will not change and when we shall copy the formula down, the row reference $5 will not change.

2) In the cell H6, I have entered this formula: =D6-$C6

This formula has one mixed reference: $C6. As the column C is absolute, when we shall apply the formula on the right cells, the $C reference will not change.

Calculating Selling Price, Cost Price, Markup % and Profit Margin % from One Another

1) Calculate Selling Price and Profit Margin % from the Cost Price and Markup %

In this calculation, Cost Price and Markup % are given, we calculate the Selling Price and the Profit Margin % from those data.

Here is the procedure:

2) Calculate Cost Price and Profit Margin% from Markup % and Selling Price.

In this calculation, Selling Price and Markup % are given. We calculate the Cost Price and Profit Margin% from them.

3) Calculate Cost Price and Markup % from the Profit Margin % and the Selling Price.

In this calculation, Profit Margin % and Selling Price are given. We will calculate the Cost Price and Markup % from them.

Markup % vs. Gross Profit Margin %

From our above discussion, it is clear now the difference between the Markup % and Gross Profit Margin %.

Using Markup %, we determine the Selling Price of a product based on the Cost Price.

Excel Online Cost Calculator

We get Profit Margin % dividing the Profit Margin by the Selling Price.

Markup % varies from industry to industry.

IndustryMarkup %
Cell Phone8-10%
Prescription Medicine200-5600%
New Car8-10%
Source: Wise Bread


Checking out your industry Markup % and determining the Selling Price of your product is important for becoming successful in your business. Being in the Shoe industry and accepting the Markup % of Grocery Industry will lead you to financial disaster.

So, these are my Excel formulas to add percentage markup to the cost price to get the selling price of a product. If you have any comments, please let me know in the comment box.

Thanks for being with my blog.

Happy Excelling!

Welcome to my Excel blog! It took me some time to be a fan of Excel. But now I am a die-hard fan of MS Excel. I learn new ways of doing things with Excel and share here. Not only how to guide on Excel, but you will get also topics on Finance, Statistics, Data Analysis, and BI. Stay tuned!

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